25 Apr Lean Seng Cooling Face Powder

Rice is not just food; it is a key ingredient used to make a traditional beauty product known as cooling face powder (bedak sejuk). It is believed to help remove skin blemishes, improve the appearance of skin and relieve itchiness. At Lean Seng Cooling Face Powder, you can buy quality face powder and get hands-on experience of making this product. Requiring only rice and water, the process takes up to a month for proper fermentation, grinding, filtering and drying.
Operation Days
Monday – Sunday
Operation Hours
8.00am – 5.00pm
Shop: 8.00am – 8.00pm
160, Mukim-D, Kuala Jalan Bharu, Balik Pulau
+6016-428 4896 / +6019-474 4684
+6019-481 1810